Hi, you have a system upgrade !
It all started when I noticed myself getting frequently frustrated while using some digital platforms, when a particular button was too small or I couldn't find one at all !! All I could think at that moment was, “ohh, just forget it”. Now as a designer, having my users experience this would be my worst nightmare !! This makes me even more passionate to provide users with an effortless journey to attain the kind of information they need.
This journey is further simplified with an intuitive interface, which I thoroughly enjoy working on. The process of selecting correct visual elements by empathising with users, is nothing but pure contemplation for me.
Having an online presence is pretty conventional these days. But the type of online presence which makes a user's life easy is integral. As a Ui- Ux professional I am devoted to be a part of this digital revolution.
Making information accessible for students and editable for faculties through student handbook website.
Problem Definition, Research, Design, Visual Elements,
Final Result, Take away